Distinguish between the two
Healthy venting helps you to heal and move forward. By reasoning things out with someone else, you gain clarity on what’s happening. Confiding in someone often lessens the pain because you feel supported. You avoid getting stuck in all that negativity. But when venting becomes toxic, it creates a cycle of negativity that’s hard to repair.
Identifying the differences between “healthy venting” and “emotional dumping” can allow us to communicate our frustrations more effectively and find clarity in our issues.
Healthy Venting
Emotional Dumping
不责怪别人 Does not blame others | 责怪别人 Blames others |
保持一个话题 Sticks to one topic | 用多个议题淹没对方 Overwhelms the other person with multiple issues |
承认他们的错误 Owns up to their mistakes | 不承认他们的错误 Does not own up to their mistakes |
不扮演受害者 Does not self-victimize | 扮演受害者 Plays the victim |
共同制定解决方案 Works on a solution together | 不愿意寻找解决方法 Not open to finding a solution |
乐于接受建设性反馈 Open to constructive feedback | 抵抗建设性反馈 Defensive to constructive feedback |
不会占用不必要的时间 Does not take up unnecessary time | 重复说着同样的问题。不考虑时间。 Repeats the same issue over and over. Inconsiderate of time. |
倾听并认可他人的观点 Listens and acknowledge other’s perspective | 不尊重或倾听他人的观点 Does not respect or listen to other’s perspective |
感到有益 Feels beneficial | 感到有害 Feels toxic |
How to protect yourself when people dump their problems on you?
It is important to create boundaries when someone is emotionally dumping on you. Especially when you are an empath or a sensitive person, you can easily neglect your needs and feel drained after experiencing emotional dumping. Here are a few tricks to help you protect yourself when you feel stuck with a toxic venter.
Acknowledge what they say and validate how they feel
说些话来确认你理解对方的话,比如,“因为在这种情况你感到很沮丧的,所以生气是可以理解的...” 然后,停下来让他/她接受你的确认并回应你。这会减轻他们的防御。
Say something to acknowledge that you heard the person, such as, “It makes sense that you’re angry because you are frustrated with the situation...” Then, pause to let him/her accept your acknowledgment and respond to you. It will weaken their defense.
Detaching instead of escaping
Escaping is an automatic reaction that happens when you cannot handle or solve something. It seems to be the easy way out, but it carries victimhood energy with you. You will have feel low self-worth and powerless. Detachment, however, is a choice that you make intentionally and mindfully.
Creating scripts to help you respond
“Thank you for letting me know. How can I help you feel more supported?”
“I know you’re frustrated, and it’s really understandable that you are. My approach is a little different. May I share it with you?”