想想每天起床后戴上面具,扮演一个跟自己不契合的人?对许多人来说,这已习以为常。可以理解的是,我们认同自己应该成为的意识形态和信仰,因为我们想要被接受和赞赏。然而这是要付出代价的,因为我们必须牺牲自己的一个重要方面 - 真实的自我。
在《唤醒你真实的自我》一书中,作者兼教练托尼·法赫里解释说,它是关于重新与你存在的最深层部分 - 本质自我 - 重新联系起来,它知道你是谁、你应该如何生活。
Consider getting up every day and putting on a mask to be someone you are not suited to be? For many, this is a familiar story. Understandably, we subscribe to ideologies and beliefs of who we should be because we want to be accepted and appreciated. Yet, this comes at a cost to our self-worth since we must give up an important aspect of ourselves – the authentic self.
In his book “Awaken Your Authentic Self”, author and coach Tony Fahkry explained that it is about reconnecting with the deepest part of your being – the essential self – which knows who you are and how you should live.
How to awaken/cultivate our authenticity?
接受自己 Accept yourself
Complete acceptance of oneself entails acknowledgement of your wholeness with your imperfections, foibles and insecurities.
认识你自己 Know thyself
This does not entail knowing your likes or dislikes. Rather, a call to discover the true essence of your spiritual self. Who is the real you? What are your true motivations? What are your passions? What would you love to do if money was not involved?
戒除上瘾 Surrender addictions
Many people suffer from controlling addictions to things or people. Addictions extend to habitual thoughts that occupy valuable space in the mind and body. They deprive you of energy and disconnect you from your precious self.
停止寻求认可 Stop seeking validation
Let go of the need to prove yourself to others. You do not need validation from others to prove your worthiness; even from loved ones. True validation comes from the core of your being.
寻找宁静的时间 Find time for silence
Find time to be alone every now and again, in nature. Being outdoors harmonizes mind and body and energizes the soul.
与重大意义连接 Connect with purpose
你的重大意义可能与你的事业有关或者毫无关系。你的重大意义是你生命的召唤 - 你的精神真理。这是我们向自己召唤的更深层次的问题 - 我为什么在这个世界上?为什么我在这个时间段出生,我来这里是为了成为什么?追求能激励你灵魂的东西,你的重大意义就会实现。重大意义需要纪律、努力、承诺和牺牲。
Your purpose may or may not be tied to your career. Your purpose is your life’s calling — your spiritual truth. It is the deeper question which we beckon of ourselves — why am I here on Earth? Why am I born during this period in time and what have I come here to become? Pursue what fuels your soul and your purpose is realized. Purpose requires discipline, hard work, commitment and sacrifice.
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
― 荣格 C.G. Jung